

Wat ass EVE MB31 LiFePO4 Batterie?

Wat ass EVE MB31 LiFePO4 Batterie?

Déi EVE MB31 is a high-performance Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Batterie Zell bekannt fir seng Sécherheet, laang Liewensdauer, an impressionante Kapazitéit.

Delving an d'Räich vun héich-Performance Batterien, the EVE MB31 LiFePO4 battery emerges as a frontrunner, faszinéierend Benotzer mat senger aussergewéinlecher Sécherheet, bemierkenswäert Liewensdauer, an impressionante Kapazitéit. Dës Powerhouse Zell, mat enger nomineller Spannung vun 3,2V an enger iwwerraschender Kapazitéit vun 314Ah, seamlessly integrates into a diverse range of applications, dorënner Solarenergie Stockage, elektresch Gefierer (EVs), Backupsatellit Muecht Systemer, an industriell Uwendungen.

Key Features:

EVE Grad A+ Deep Cycle 314Ah Batterien, fräi busbar a Schrauwen, A + héich Qualitéit; 100% iwwerpréift an Isolatioun Pak, 3-Joer Garantie, ugepasst Volt a Kapazitéit, mat guddem Ausgesinn, net bulge Zellen.

★ EVE A+ 10000 Cycles Brand New Batterien
★ Kloer verifizéiert intakt QR Code
★ Gepasst (Kapazitéit& AN & Stroumspannung)
★ fräi M6 busbars, Schrauwen an Epoxy Plack)
★ Frësch Stock hiergestallt am Februar,2024
Uwendungen: Elektresch Power Systemer, Elektresch Gefierer, Golf Weenchen, elektresch Scooter, Marine, Segelboot, elektresche Vëlo, Sonnesystem etc.,

EVE MB31 314Ah A Grade Battery LiFePO4
EVE MB31 314Ah A Grade Battery LiFePO4

Unveiling the EVE MB31’s Enduring Prowess:

At the heart of the EVE MB31 lies its extraordinary capacity of 314Ah, empowering it to store substantial amounts of energy, making it an ideal choice for applications with demanding power requirements. Whether powering homes or propelling vehicles, the MB31 ensures a steady flow of energy.

But the MB31’s brilliance extends beyond mere capacity. It boasts an exceptional cycle life, capable of withstanding over 8000 Laden an Entladungszyklen wärend op d'mannst behalen 80% vu senger ursprénglecher Kapazitéit. This translates to an extended battery lifespan, ensuring years of reliable performance, minimizing the need for frequent replacements, and reducing overall costs. Specifications will be showed.

Safety remains a paramount concern in the world of batteries, and the EVE MB31 excels in this regard. Its inherent LiFePO4 chemistry offers superior safety compared to other battery chemistries like lead-acid or lithium-ion. This intrinsic advantage, coupled with rigorous safety testing and the incorporation of safety features, minimizes the risk of fire or explosion, making the MB31 a safe and trustworthy choice.

Versatility is another hallmark of the EVE MB31. It thrives within a wide operating temperature range of -30°C to 60°C, demonstrating its adaptability to diverse environmental conditions. Whether braving the scorching heat of deserts or enduring the frigid cold of arctic regions, the MB31 maintains its unwavering performance.

Furthermore, the EVE MB31 embraces rapid charging technology, reduzéieren Ausdauer a verbesseren seng Praktikitéit fir Uwendungen déi séier Opluedstatiounen Zyklen verlaangen. This feature proves invaluable in dynamic environments where time is of the essence.

Powering a Sustainable Future:

Déi EVE MB31’s exceptional qualities make it a frontrunner in the realm of solar energy storage. By effectively storing solar energy generated during the day, the MB31 empowers homeowners and businesses to harness the sun’s power efficiently, reducing reliance on traditional grid electricity and contributing to a more sustainable future.

In the transportation sector, the EVE MB31 revolutionizes electric vehicles (EVs). Its high capacity and extended cycle life translate into longer driving ranges, reduzéiert Batterie Degradatioun, and a more eco-friendly driving experience. As the world transitions towards sustainable transportation, the MB31 plays a pivotal role in this evolution.

When grid failures or power disruptions threaten critical operations, the EVE MB31 steps in as a reliable backup power solution. Its ability to provide emergency power ensures that essential systems remain operational, safeguarding businesses from financial losses and protecting sensitive data.

De robusten Design vum MB31, Sécherheet Fonctiounen, and wide operating temperature range make it a compelling choice for various industrial applications. From powering forklifts in demanding warehouses to providing backup power for telecom towers in remote locations, the MB31 proves its versatility and dependability.

A Testament to Innovation:

The EVE MB31 LiFePO4 battery stands as a testament to EVE’s unwavering commitment to quality and innovation. With its impressive capacity, extended cycle life, enhanced safety, wide operating temperature range, and fast charging capability, the MB31 sets a new standard for energy storage solutions. As the demand for reliable, sustainable, and safe energy storage solutions continues to rise, the EVE MB31 is poised to play an increasingly crucial role in powering our world.

Key Features of the EVE MB31 LiFePO4 Battery:

  • Héich Kapazitéit: De MB31 huet eng bemierkenswäert Kapazitéit vun 314Ah, et erméiglecht et substantiell Quantitéiten un Energie ze späicheren, mécht et ideal fir Uwendungen mat héije Kraaftfuerderunge.
  • Verlängert Cycle Life: De MB31 weist en aussergewéinlecht Zyklusliewen, kapabel vun Ausdauer iwwer 8000 Laden an Entladungszyklen wärend op d'mannst behalen 80% vu senger ursprénglecher Kapazitéit. Dëst iwwersetzt eng laang Batterie Liewensdauer, Joer vun zouverlässeg Operatioun assuréieren.
  • Erweidert Sécherheet: Inherent zu senger LiFePO4 Chimie, de MB31 bitt super Sécherheet am Verglach mat aner Batteriechemie wéi Bläi-Säure oder Lithium-Ion. Et huet rigoréis Sécherheetsprüfungen gemaach an enthält Features déi de Risiko vu Feier oder Explosioun minimiséieren, mécht et eng sécher an zouverlässeg Wiel.
  • Breet Operatiounstemperaturbereich: De MB31 kann effektiv an engem breet Temperaturbereich vun -30°C bis 60°C operéieren, weist seng Villsäitegkeet an Adaptabilitéit un verschidden Ëmweltbedéngungen.
  • Schnell Laden Kapazitéit: De MB31 ënnerstëtzt séier Laden, reduzéieren Ausdauer a verbesseren seng Praktikitéit fir Uwendungen déi séier Opluedstatiounen Zyklen verlaangen.


EVE MB31 What is EVE MB31 LiFePO4 Battery?
EVE MB31 10000 Cycles A Grade Cells

Applications of the EVE MB31 LiFePO4 Battery:

  • Solarenergie Stockage: De MB31 ass eng exzellent Wiel fir Solarenergie ze späicheren, eng zouverlässeg an nohalteg Backupkraaftquell ubidden, Hausbesëtzer a Geschäfter erméiglechen d'Kraaft vun der Sonn effizient ze notzen.
  • Elektresch Gefierer (EVs): Dem MB31 seng héich Kapazitéit an erweidert Zyklusliewen maachen et gutt gëeegent fir EVs ze stéieren, bäidroe fir méi laang Strecken, reduzéiert Batterie Degradatioun, an eng méi nohalteg Transport Erfahrung.
  • Backupsatellit Power Systemer: D'MB31 déngt als zouverlässeg Backupsatellit Muecht Léisung, liwweren Noutkraaft wärend Netterausfall oder aner Stroumstéierungen, garantéiert datt kritesch Systemer operationell bleiwen.
  • Industriell Uwendungen: De robusten Design vum MB31, Sécherheet Fonctiounen, a breet Operatiounstemperaturbereich maachen et eng gëeegent Wiel fir verschidden industriell Uwendungen, dorënner forklifts, uninterruptible Muecht Ëmgeréits (UPS), an Energie Stockage Systemer fir Telekom Tierm.

Grade A 3.2v 105Ah EVE battery Application


Déi EVE MB31 LiFePO4 battery stands out as a high-performance, safe, and long-lasting energy storage solution. Its combination of impressive capacity, extended cycle life, enhanced safety, wide operating temperature range, and fast charging capability makes it a versatile and compelling choice for a broad spectrum of applications, from solar energy storage and electric vehicles to backup power systems and industrial applications. With its commitment to quality and innovation, EVE continues to set the standard for LiFePO4 battery technology.

No vir kucken: The EVE MB30

Et ass wichteg ze notéieren datt d'EVE weider Grenzen dréckt mat der Aféierung vum neien EVE MB30 LiFePO4 battery cell. Dës fortgeschratt Optioun bitt eng nach méi laang Liewensdauer, iwwerschratt 10,000 Zyklen, mécht et eng perfekt Wiel fir Uwendungen déi aussergewéinlech Haltbarkeet erfuerderen.

By offering both the MB31 batteries and MB30 batteries, EVE entsprécht eng méi breet Palette vu Benotzerbedürfnisser, seng Positioun als Leader an der LiFePO4 Batterie Technologie ze verstäerken.


EVE highlighted their newest battery offerings, the MB30 and MB31 models, at the SNEC Shanghai Exhibition held from June 13th to 15th, 2024. EVE’s breakthrough technology empowers customers and revolutionizes how technology improves and energizes people’s lives.

EVE MB30 MB31 What is EVE MB31 LiFePO4 Battery?
EVE unveiled their new MB30 and MB31 battery models at the recent SNEC Shanghai Exhibition (June 13th-15th)

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