

Series vs. Parallel Battery Wiring: Which Configuration Is Right for You?

Understanding Series vs. Parallel Wiring

  • Series Connections:Increase voltage. Connect the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of the next. In a two-battery setup, this will give you 24V.
  • Parallel Connections:Increase capacity (amp-hours). Connect positive terminals together and negative terminals together. This keeps the voltage at 12V but doubles the available power.

Wiring Your 12V Batteries with a Charger

Safety First:

  • Disconnect Power:Always switch off any related systems before working with batteries.
  • Eye Protection:Wear safety glasses.
  • Ventilation:Work in a well-ventilated area due to potential for outgassing.
  • No Sparks:Avoid open flames, sparks, or smoking near batteries.


  • 12V batteries
  • Battery charger (matching the voltage and chemistry of your batteries)
  • Heavy-gauge wire (red for positive, black for negative)
  • Insulated wire connectors
  • Fuse or circuit breaker (rated appropriately for your system)


  1. Choose Configuration:Decide whether you need series (higher voltage) or parallel (higher capacity).
  2. Connect Batteries:
  • Series:Positive terminal of battery 1 to negative terminal of battery 2, and so on.
  • Parallel:All positive terminals together, all negative terminals together.
  1. Connect to Charger:
  • Positive: Connect the red charger lead to the positive terminal of your battery bank.
  • Negative: Connect the black charger lead to the negative terminal of your battery bank.
  1. Install Fuse/Breaker:Place a fuse or circuit breaker in line with the positive wire, close to the battery bank, for protection.
  2. Check Connections:Double-check all connections for secure fit and correct polarity.
  3. Power Up:Plug the charger into an outlet. The charging process should begin.

Additional Tips:

  • Battery Matching:Use batteries of the same type, age, and capacity when connecting multiple batteries.
  • Cable Size:Ensure your wire gauge is sufficient for the expected current draw. Heavier gauge wire is necessary for higher power loads.
  • Charger Compatibility:Choose a charger that matches the voltage and chemistry of your battery bank (lead-acid, lithium-ion, etc.).
  • Secure Battery Cables:Prevent loose connections that can cause arcing and heat.

Example Diagram

Management system hyxinbattery BMS high protection Series vs. Parallel Battery Wiring: Which Configuration Is Right for You?

Basic 12volt battery bank setup in parallel, with the charger connected

Important Notes

  • For more complex setups, consult a qualified electrician or refer to resources specifically tailored to your battery type and application.
  • Incorrect wiring can cause damage to your batteries, charger, or connected devices and may pose a fire hazard.


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